Sunday, May 11, 2008

At Least They Are Understanding The Need...

They want an awesome mommy....they need to let the momma go! To my monthly girls nights anyway...


Bridget said...

I whole heartedly agree!

Anonymous said...

so true!

Amber M. said...

Happy Mother's Day!

Buxton Family said...

I hope you had a great Mother's Day. I loved mine.

Anonymous said...

perfectly stated.

Alicia said...

Thanks, that is a great card, love the girls nights.

Montay said...

Fun card I love it and yes the momma needs her girls night!!

AmyJ said...

I don't know if i could survive without girls night out. It's so fun to be with everyone and laugh about things like butt water.

Zach said...

Ohhhh! What would we do without girls night?? Thanks for including me in your groupie.