Yes! A gray hair! Right in my side swept bangs. I was mortified. I came right home and pulled it out.....and then I searched for more. There was another one right next to it. I yanked it out as well. Here they are for your viewing pleasure. I am mortified. I'm not yet 29 years old and I have gray hair? What the hell! This has truly dampened my spirits for the day. Gray hair means you're getting old. I blame them on my children. Especially the younger one. She gives me so much grief. It's a good thing I love her.
But back to my main point here. Not only did I find two gray hairs {I stopped looking after that...there could be more of them!}, but I pulled them out. Don't two grow back in for every one you pull out? I'm sooo in trouble now. Four more! And now I can't even tease Jaysen about his gray hairs {he's got a lot of them} because I've got them too! I'm honestly really sad about this. I realize I shouldn't be so superficial, but I can't help it. First came the bags under the eyes, and then the wrinkles started to sprout up, and now gray hair! It's just not fair. And since I've got brown hair now...they'll really stand out. Maybe I should go back blonde.....
Don't let the gray hairs bother you. You can cover that. My issue is the wrinkle I found between my brow a couple weeks ago. That is a day ruiner.
If I pulled out all the grays I've been finding this winter, I'd have no bangs left:-) I still do pull quite a few, though, just so I feel like I have some control of the situation.
A few gray hairs and a wrinkle or two give you character.
That's why the hair stylists get paid the big bucks. To fix those things. Don't stress.
This is exciting! Well, for me at least. My little sister is getting gray hairs before me! But honestly, I do feel your pain. THe wrinkles and eye bags are really starting to concern me. I fear that no amount of anti-aging cream is going to fix it.
I would feel bad for you, but I started getting grey hairs when I was sixteen. Nice n' Easy is my friend. I understand.
I am so glad I am not the only one that takes photos of my gray hairs. *sigh*
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