Sunday, March 16, 2008

Martian Child

I watched this movie this last weekend. If you haven't watched it yourself, you need to. It was such a good, warm, fuzzy movie. I love John Cusack and the little boy in this movie did such a good job too. If you are a movie buyer...I'd feel safe telling you to just go out and buy it even if you haven't seen it. It's that good. Now get on with it!


Anonymous said...

thanks for the recommendation ashlee. i'll watch it sometime just cause you said it was great. kathleen

Victoria said...

I've been wanting to see this! I saw the reviews this summer (I think) and it looked great. I love Jon Cusack anyway.

Bridget said...

Thanks for the review. I am reading The Other Boleyn Girl. Anyone seen the movie? I want to see it when I'm done reading this book but want to know if its worthwhile first.

Bonnie B. said...

I've been wanting to see this, too! It looks so good.

Sister Honey Bunch/Judi maloney said...

John Cusack is my all-time favorite. Remember Say Anything?? You were probably a toddler back then. I'm old...

Anonymous said...

ooo i loved "say anything" when it came out. "what a shame, throwing away a perfectly good wh--- boy like that." or "i want my two dollars!!!" he he, funniest jon cusack movie.

great day,

Anonymous said...

I love Moulin Rouge. I tis one of my favs. I only have the first cd though.

Ashlee said...

You know what, I haven't seen Say ANything, but I just looked it up and I really want to go rent it now. :0) I love John Cusack.

Cameron said...

What a really good flick. Surprisingly so, in fact.