Monday, March 17, 2008

Lucky You!

Just wanted to wish you all a fabulous St. Patrick's Day. Are you wearing green? If not, considered yourself virtually pinched by dear old me. :0) I'm definitely wearing green. My son was on the prowl this morning waiting to get me. I wore my green jammy pants last night so he couldn't even get me before I got dressed today. :0) Sneaky me.....
These cupcakes are super cute! Just make a batch of your favorite kind and smear with green frosting. THe rainbow is made out of airhead candy. Just pick several different flavors and stack them up on top of each other. Then slice thin to get your perfect rainbow. Plop a few chocolate coins on and voila! Pot of gold cupcakes! Have I mention how much I love cupcakes? :0)


Sister Sassy said...

I'm wearing green! We're not doing Corn beef and cabbage though since my crock pot broke :( we're doing it tomorrow when JimmyEW will be off.

Happy day to you, eat a cupcake for me ;) I'll prendend have that peice of cake was for you.

Anonymous said...

i'm wearing green! well, green panties, but they still count. of course that probably means i'll have to flash people to keep them from pinching me...

Anonymous said...

So I wish that I had seen that cupcake before the boys would have loved it.

Montay said...

Cute cupcakes hey I like that I may have to use that one again!! I love them and I have to confess I am not wearing green I am wearing my pjs and have been for a few days. You have to do it while you can right???

Shannon said...

What fun cupcakes for such a fun holiday! Love them, I'll have to make therm next year.

Amber M. said...

Darling. I love the airhead rainbow. Clever! Clever!

Anonymous said...

Yummy! Looks great. We are having brownies tonight. They aren't green, but that is OK.

I answered your birthday question in my blog today.

Bridget said...

What cute cupcakes! I am feeling like a slacker mom today.

Laurie said...

Fun cupcakes. I'll admit I just skimped and got coins for the boys telling them they were leprechaun gold.

Am wearing green, as is the whole family, but I passed on the corned beef and cabbage. Not sounding good to a pregnant woman.

I'm looking forward to another Idol recap from you soon.

Bonnie B. said...

Those look yummo! Happy "pinchy" day to you, too. (thats what my kids call it.)

Anonymous said...

hi ashlee,
thanks for coming by today. great idea about wearing green jammies. i wore green all day at work, so you could not virtually pinch me. he he. happy st. patty's day. i ended my blog post tonight with a funny and adorable irish blessing. made me laugh. kathleen

Anonymous said...

I actually didn't wear green yesterday, so I consider myself pinched! I love the cupcakes--I'm totally doing that next year!

Cameron said...

Happy St Paddy's day!