Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Just some stuff.....

First of all....did you notice my new little Widget on the side of my blog here? Yes, it's a commentator counter. :0) Now you know where you rank with me. :0) HA! You want to get higher on the list? You're not on the list and want to be on it? Then leave me some stinking comments!!!!

And then....my little sister is visiting! YAY! I'm going to go play with her and her new baby {and her other two kids too} today at my mommy's house. Dear little Paige has changed so much in the five short weeks it's been since she was born. She no longer is an exact replica of her big sister. In fact, I don't know who she looks like. I had to ask my sister if it was the Schwan's Man's baby. :0) She's just her own little person. With a head full of hair. And she loves me the most. That's right! The rest of you....Melanie, Cameron....she loves me most! She smiled at me and I got to hold her for a LONG time yesterday. I'm her favorite. Of course, I'm the only one she's met so far. But, I'm holding onto this until you guys come this weekend. :0)

Also, can I just tell you how glad I am that the son is back is school this week? Hallelujah! I thought I was going to go insane last week. It didn't help that I was sicker than I've been in FOREVER, but my two just fought with each other all week long. ARGH!!!! I made it out alive...but barely. I'm dreading summer. Three months of fighting. Toddler daughter is just pesty to her older brother. There's six years between them. So, I realize that it's hard for them to just play together ALL the time. They want to do different things. But, then older brother is just a bully because he's bigger. So, between the pestering and bullying....I might run away. I'll keep you posted.

Finally, this is on a more serious note here. It's about THIS family. Their daughter, Sadie, has just been diagnosed with brain cancer. Cam, they live in Eagle Mountain. Do you know them? Anyway...the mom just started this blog to share in her journey through this. I just found out about it and thought that perhaps the more outpouring of love she gets....the better? Even from strangers. As we all know in the blog world though...even though we've never met {some of us} we soon become friends. I know I'd love to have you all over once the basement is done. :0) Anyway..go check out her blog. Grab a tissue before you go though.

I hope you all have a fabulous day!


Sister Honey Bunch/Judi maloney said...

Well you know Sassy and I will be competing for the most comments now.

Alicia said...

How fun your sister is visiting, that will be awesome, hold the baby for me too. I posted the story of Sadie on my family's blog, so sad. I can't even imagine and I don't want to.

Bonnie B. said...

Woohoo! I'm in first! And I agree about spring break. I was also going crazy! My kids didn't fight too much, but good crap, they were HYPER! Drove me nuts.

Christie said...

Wow, I better get commenting. How shameful. I DO read everything you write.

Montay said...

OKay so I so am going to be Number 1 if I can help it Bonnie watch out!!!! I reas the story and I have to say so hard but he only gives us what we can handle and Sadie well what can I say she is one of the few saved for the last days...

Amber M. said...

Don't you just LOVE newborns? So glad you are feeling better, have a FUN time with your sister, and give that baby a snuggle from me, too. Unless that's weird because you've never met me, and then just PRETEND to give her a snuggle for me:-)

Bridget said...

You are so funny with the comment ticker! I've never seen that before. This is a first! How sad for the family to have their daughter with brain cancer. I will check out her blog. Have fun with your sister!

Victoria said...

Woo hoo...I made the top ten of something!! *dies*

Congrats on your new niece!

Anonymous said...

hi ashlee,
i bet you really are her favorite! awwhh! kathleen

ps. and thanks for coming by all the time. always nice to hear from ya.

Anonymous said...

and you know this, i bet, ... feelings of wanting to run away at times are totally normal :)

i feel that way very often!

Anonymous said...

trying to fill up your comments since you asked :) he he

so agree with what you said at the end, too. it amazes me how some of my favorite friends (are those who i have befriended through blogs) and we have never spent a moment in person. some on the phone and chat but never in person. i love it when we are lucky enough to click with someone special like that. **warm fuzzies** nighty night, kathleen

Cameron said...


Cameron said...


Cameron said...


Cameron said...

you would

Cameron said...

stoop to putting

Cameron said...

a commenter counter widget

Cameron said...

on your blog

Cameron said...

just to get

Cameron said...

more comments.

Cameron said...

It's insulting that you would think

Cameron said...

that people would comment just to increase their ranking.

Cameron said...

There, that should put me at #6 or so.

Cameron said...

Dude, your other widget says that someone from "Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan" visited your blog.

Where is the heck is Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan?

Ashlee said...

Gosh Cam..you're not trying to make the #1 spot are you?

Umm...duh Cam...it's in Malaysia. A little shout out to all my Malaysian interpeeps! Hollah! :0)

Anonymous said...

hope you get to feeling better! have fun with the little sister and baby! :)

Bonnie B. said...

Okay, first of all, your brother in naughty. I thinks he's trying to bump me out of 1st place. Doesn't he know I'm pregnant and my emotions are highly unstable? Second,when your brother asked where Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan was, my first thought was Charlie and the Chocolate factory and Oompa Loompas.....