Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Sky is Blue?

Sadly, I had almost forgotten the sky was supposed to be blue and not gray. :0) This weekend has been so gorgeous. Fifty degree weather with just a slight breeze and today....not a single cloud in the sky.
Now all we need is for the trees to grow some green and we'll be set!


Bonnie B. said...

I'm afraid that it's just another trick. I keep expecting to see a snowflake or two fly by at about 50 mph!

Amber M. said...

Are trees green?


It snowed here yesterday, so I'm feeling a little grumpy.

Anonymous said...

It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL this weeked! I was in Twin Falls for part of the weekend and Monday. It was so warm and sunny. LOVE IT! Let's hope that this weather sticks around. :)