I wish I could say she was cheap, but that would be false advertisement. Between swimming lessons, dance class, and a shoe fetish like her mother.....this little one can take a huge chunk out your pocketbook.
But after today.....I would be willing to simply hand her over to you. For free.

This girl is going to give me gray hairs I tell you. Since when did the terrible twos become the terrible threes and soon to be the terrible fours? When does the terrible go away? I don't remember my son EVER being so dramatic. And the temper tantrums she can throw....holy cow! It's like the flick of a switch too. She can turn it on or off at will. My mommy brain is fried. Is it bad that I wanted to just lock her in her room today? Of course, no such thing happened. But the thought did pass through my mind. :0)
I need a margarita.
I remeber wondering the same thing. I think when they turn 5 it gets a little better. You need to read the book, seriously. It helped.
One Margarita coming up!!
Heck yes I am up for that. I was just down there the other night and thought..."what a great spot for family pics, especially nearing sunset." I am game. July is kind of busy on weekends, but I can schedule something during the week if you like. Wednesday nights are the only nights completely out, other than that...let me know. Thanks for the opportunity.
I'd take her off your hands, but I have a little trouble-maker boy of my own.:-)
Ugh, I am right in there with you. Maybe we can sell Ashlynn with her and give some lucky someone a "Two for One" Deal. They are soooooooo dramatic!!! I will make you a drink!
This to shall pass..then before you know it they are all grown up and you want you're little one back. Is there ever really a happy medium?
I don't know what you're talking about...that angel face throwing a tantrum...no way! :) I think what they mean by the terrible two's is it last two years! Good luck.
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