Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ask and you shall receive

Remember my post on how much I LOVE Halloween?

Remember how I posted what my costume was?
REmember how you asked me to post a picture so that I could show you all how super sexy I looked in my pirate costume?
Because I love you all SOOOOO much.....I am sharing my hotness with you.

That's right....a Clone Trooper, a Pirate, a fairy, and a police officer walk into a bar. One says, I'm an android and androids don't drink, the fiary says, "I'm only three, I can't drink", and the officer says, "I'm on duty ma'am, there'll be no drinking tonight." So, the pirate vixen tightened up her little corset {Can I tell you how annoying that thing was?} and went off to add the lime juice to the frozen brain instead of the "good stuff" she was hoping for. :0) that whole thing was made up...except for the floating brain in lime juice. I did have one of those.

Seriously my hubby not the hottest thing? Wow! Sure, his friends teased him about looking like a male stripper....but I thought he just looked nice in his fake little uniform with his hat. Oh yeah..... :0)


Shannon said...

You guys look great. Love the costumes. Have a fun HALLOWEEN!

Becky said...

what are you gonna be THIS year? great costumes.

Montay said...

I love the cute costumes Wish we could have been there!!

Holly said...

Thanks for letting us come. What a cute little mixed up family!

Buxton Family said...

Great costumes! I'm posting a picture of our family today. You'll have to check it out. The big question...did Jaysen put on a show after the kids went to bed? :)

Bridget said...

That's awesome. I still can't believe this Friday is Halloween. I am so NOT ready.

AmyJ said...

Thanks for a fun night. You looked super sassy.

Anonymous said...

So, um, yeah... I laughed a little when you commented about how hot your hubby is----because as soon as I saw that picture I decided I was going to comment on how hot he is! Yay for you ;-)

Amber M. said...

GREAT costumes! You look hawt. Seriously!

Anonymous said...

those are GREAT costumes! i want a costume now...just to have one. :)

Jaime and Scott said...

you all look great!!

Anonymous said...

Your costumes are AWESOME! :)

Anonymous said...

You are a hot momma!!!! You guys are a cute little family!!

Sister Sassy said...

He is a hottie, as are you :)

Bonnie B. said...

You look fabulous!! Wish I was a skinny winny like you...